專注產品 傾心品質 執著創新
經驗豐富 多種案例 一對一服務 專業定制
公司堅持走“以人為本崇尚創新”的理念,先后與多家科研院所合作,不斷引進新技術、新工藝和專業人....所有這些美好的前景將賦予清雨更大的動力,清雨將以高技術、高質量為追求,在競爭中求得更大的發展,“讓每一滴雨水都更清澈 是我們堅持不懈的努力”是我們長遠的目標。
Yangzhou Qingyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co.. Ltd., located at Zhenwu Industrial Park-eastern subuib of Yangzhou. a beautiful ancient city, is a manufacturer specialized in the production of equipment for water supply and drainage and environment protection for many years. The Company covers an area of more than 15000 square meters, with nearly 100 staff members, mcluding 20% engineers and technicians, and over 45% technical workers. It has the synthesizing capacity as project construction, equipment manufacture, installation and debug, and may provide customers with higher quality seivice and perfect quality system and credibility, which brings the Company widespread market praise.
Adhering to the idea of "People Orientation & Innovation Advocauon*', the Company has made cooperation successively with many scientific research institutes and universities, introduced new technology, new process and professional talents unceasingly. All these magnificent prospects will entnist QINGYU with more power, and QINGYU shall take high-tech and high quality as its pursuit and try to seek more development from competition. Making every drop of rain more clear is our unremitting effons! Shall be its long-tenn goal.
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